If you frequently fall ill within a short period of time and struggle to recover, if you catch viruses faster than everyone else in your family, or if you often feel lethargic and unwell, it seems your immune system is weak and needs strengthening. How? In this article, we will introduce you to several ways to achieve this.
What is the Role of the Immune System in the Body?
The immune system’s role is to protect the body from germs, viruses, and any external factors that attack the body. But what causes our immune system to weaken? Both physical and mental factors play a role. Some of the reasons include:
- Increased Nervous Stress
The most significant factor that weakens your immune system is constant and excessive stress. When you are frequently anxious, your body releases high levels of cortisol, which reduces your body’s ability to defend against external threats. Additionally, you may have experienced that stress disrupts your sleep and appetite, further weakening your body. - Poor Daily Nutrition
If you do not provide your body with the necessary nutrients, various parts of it will suffer, including white blood cells. Ensure your diet includes protein, fiber, fruits, and foods rich in vitamins A, E, B, and C. Avoid foods high in fat, salt, and sugar, as they disrupt gut bacteria and weaken the immune system. - Lack of Sun Exposure
Vitamin D is crucial for helping your body resist viruses and germs. Sunlight is the primary source of vitamin D. If your body does not absorb enough vitamin D from sunlight, consider supplements or foods like fish, shrimp, egg yolks, milk, and oranges. - Lack of Daily Physical Activity and Exercise
When you do not exercise or move enough, several issues arise. The production of endorphins (the happiness hormone) decreases, while cortisol (the stress hormone) increases, significantly weakening your immune system. Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle raises the risk of various diseases. - Addiction
Addiction to any substance, including cigarettes, alcohol, or even caffeine, severely damages the body, especially the immune system.
Ways to Strengthen the Immune System
So far, we have discussed what weakens the immune system. Now, let’s explore how to strengthen it. Here are some strategies:
- Regular and Adequate Sleep
Many people cannot sleep enough due to work commitments or do not maintain a consistent sleep schedule. This harms the body. Try to sleep at least 7 hours a night. - Drinking Enough Water
Since 70% of the body is water, its importance is evident. Throughout the day, we lose water through sweat and urine, so aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. - Avoiding Stressful Factors
As mentioned, anxiety and nervous stress weaken the immune system in two ways. Try to avoid stressors, practice yoga, and consume calming herbal teas. - Proper Nutrition
You can directly supply your body with essential vitamins and nutrients through the food you eat. Ensure your diet includes fiber, grains, vitamins, vegetables, and fruits. You can also consult a nutritionist for guidance. - Quitting Addictive Substances and Smoking
If you smoke or use any addictive substances, take steps to quit today. - Maintaining a Balanced Weight and Avoiding Excessive Weight Gain
Both extreme obesity and extreme thinness harm your body. If you suffer from either, seek professional help to maintain a balanced weight.
Health is the greatest blessing God has given to humans, so strive to preserve it by following the tips mentioned above.