Continuous Auto Transfusion System: CATSmart
The unique CONTINUOUS red cell separation process is designed for recycling blood during and after surgery (e.g., cardiac, orthopedic, and vascular) and ensures:
- Consistently high PRC (Packed Red Cell) hematocrit > 60%, excellent wash-out quality with removal rates:
- Heparin >95%
- Potassium >95%
- Free Hb >95%
- Non-emulsified fat >99%
- Albumin >95%
- Minimal risk of fat embolism and cognitive dysfunctions
- Efficient processing of small blood volumes for pediatrics
- PRC availability for transfusion at any time
- Faster red cell salvage process compared to discontinuous techniques
- Platelet Sequestration (PSQ) in order to heal surgical wounds in surgeries
- The best wash out quality by using 3 specific wash programs: Low Volume Wash, Smart Wash and Emergency Wash
- Washed RBC production from donated whole blood or patient blood in surgery
- The onset of procedure with incoming of 100 ml blood in the system
Workflow Benefits
“One-fits-all” washing chamber
Saves time and simplifies the handling; suitable for all blood volumes.
Washing Chamber
Saves time and simplifies the handling; suitable for all blood volumes
Continuously monitor incoming and outgoing hematocrit values ad red call separation performance for better patient management.

Combines safetywith efficiency in whole blood donation
The advantages are:
- Prevention of back strain injuries to operators
- Unique volume monitoring by the donors
- Prevents venting of primary bag following donation
- Improved mixing of inline systems
- Highest efficiency of mobile data management

CompoSeal® Mobilea II
New technology for portable and safe sealing
The Lithium Polymer battery realizes a high sealing performance and offers a portable light weight battery. Mobilea II is therefore designed for mobile sealing in donation teams or at processing departments.
Characteristics of CompoSeal® Mobilea II are:
- Modem Lithium Polymer battery provides a capacity of up to 1000 seals per full charge on standard blood bag tubes
- Designed for portable use: Low weight power pack of just 830g, robust metal housing with rubber pads for shock absorption
- High quality seals independent of the battery capacity
- Automatic adjustment of sealing time depending on tube thickness
- Approved for bedside sealing while donor is connected

StemCare® sets
Collect and process umbilical cord blood The StemCare® blood bag systems are ideal for collecting and processing umbilical cord blood – even in separate locations.
- Easy handling during collection
- Collection bag equipped with two needles for repeated puncture
- Small-size T&B bag: optimal for processing small volumes and high cell yields

COM.TEC® the multi-procedural apheresis platform
The separation chamber is the heart of a cell separator. The efficiency of this central chamber is decisive for the quality of the blood products obtained.
With our innovative C5 separation chamber show the way for the future of apheresis technology!
The advantages of COM.TEC®:
- Confidence in quality and performance
- Newly designed apheresis sets
- Unexcelled donor safety
- Innovative software for interconnection of several cell separators
- Leukocyte-depleted platelet concentrates
- Incomparable operating comfort
- New single needle process Separation time < 60 minutes
- Color displays
- Table and support for holding the chamber

The Bone Marrow Collection Kit
The Bone Marrow Collection Kit is used to collect and filter aspirated bone marrow for autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
The Bone Marrow Collection Kit consists of separate components:
- 1.2 l collection container with an 850 micron filter
- Two 500 micron filters
- Three 600 ml transfer pack units
- One 2 l transfer pack unit
- Four additional tip protectors
The Kit has several benefits:
- Minimal set up
- Simple collection
- Filtration by gravity flow
- Pre-filter of 850 micron minimizes the likelihood of clogging

Blood bag and in-line systems CompoSelect®
A full range of blood bag systems integrated leukodepletion filters.
- CompoSelect® RCC : Preparation of plasma, platelet rich buffy coat and leukocyte depleted red cell concentrate
- CompoSelect® WB : Preparation of plasma and leukocyte depleted red cell concentrate.
- Optimized bag design for efficient processing and high component yields
- Excellent biocompatibility and high gas permeability for optimal storage conditions (even at –80 °C)
- Patent protected retractable (RT) safety needle for prevention of post-donation needle stick injuries
- Storage of red cells in SAG-M or PAGGS-M solution

The characteristics of CompoSeal® Universal are:

BioR, BioP and CompoStop filter systems
Conventional leukocyte depletion filters for whole blood, red cell concentrate or platelet concentrate Excellent filters based on long-time experience in filter development and production.
- High level of filtration efficiency and performance
- Easy handling
- Minimal volume loss
- Short filtration time

BioR, BioP and CompoStop filter systems
Conventional leukocyte depletion filters for whole blood, red cell concentrate or platelet concentrate Excellent filters based on long-time experience in filter development and production.
- High level of filtration efficiency and performance
- Easy handling
- Minimal volume loss
- Short filtration time

BioR, BioP and CompoStop filter systems
Conventional leukocyte depletion filters for whole blood, red cell concentrate or platelet concentrate Excellent filters based on long-time experience in filter development and production.
- High level of filtration efficiency and performance
- Easy handling
- Minimal volume loss
- Short filtration time